Yes, we’re talking New Year’s Resolutions !

It’s that time of year again. Sign up for that gym membership you’ll never use. Stock up on those vegetables as you’re planning to inject some serious healthy goodness to your diet. Cigarettes? Never even heard of them.

Before you focus all of your attention on the self (which isn’t a bad thing), have you actually set any resolutions for your business as well? If the answer is no, we’ve got just the thing. The following 4 New Year’s resolutions will help your business start 2014 with a bang, guaranteed.

New Year’s Resolution 1: Time for a Brand Refresh

Many business owners neglect their brand identity, instead opting to place their focus on the so-called ‘core’ business. However, there’s nothing more important than that first impression and ignoring it is a serious mistake.

Just look at how often the big brands tweak and change their image. Logo refreshes, new sub-brands, and a wide range of other design strategies are implemented to ensure things stay hip and relevant. So why should you not follow suit?

Some say it’s a cost issue. However, you don’t need to invest millions like Nike or Virgin. Give us a shout and we’ll help you find an affordable solution that fits within your budget.

Ask yourself the following question – when was the last time your company refreshed its look and feel? If your brand is still stuck in the 1980s, it’s time to give it a serious makeover.

New Year’s Resolution 2: Creative Marketing

Got the cheesy ‘Happy New Year!’ email that everyone else is firing off as well? Check. Replaced 2013 with 2014 on all brochures and sent them out to all clients just like last year? Check.

Companies tend to make the mistake of keeping around stale material for far too long. Customers are just not going to respond. They’ve seen it all before, so there’s no reason to look twice.

To really stand out, you’re going to have to go beyond the average. Ditch what everyone else is doing and think about the box. Instead of sending your usual mail shot, give it a dash of innovation.

If you’re not quite sure how to ignite that creative spark, give us a bell and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction. We thrive on working with fresh and beautiful design that serves a distinct marketing purpose.

New Year’s Resolution 3: Go Mobile

Type your company web address in your mobile browser and hit go. If the text is tiny and illegible, your images are pixelated and the site is just impossible to use, you’ve got a severe problem.

More and more users are switching to mobiles and tablets as primary browsing devices. If your site design isn’t responsive, you’re going to be missing out on bucketloads of traffic and potential leads. So make sure 2014 reserves a hefty chunk of attention for mobile and tablet compatibility!

New Year’s Resolution 4: Take the Dust Off Those Brochures

When we started telling people to go digital, we’re afraid some took the advice to the extreme. The result? Traditional marketing stalwarts such as the brochure have been left by the wayside, gathering dust in boxes from yesteryear.

Sheepishly smiling just now? Don’t worry. We understand that digital is a major draw for any business – it’s not a surprise, considering just how important technology has become.

The fact that you’ve been neglecting the old brochure could actually work to your advantage. Customers will notice when a shiny new design arrives through the post. Play your cards right and conversions could go through the roof.

The fact is that brochure marketing is still ridiculously effective. There’s just something about having an actual physical tri-fold to look at and customers feel the same way. So bring back the brochure and use it as an additional way to engage your potential clients. Remember – you should always use a wide range of marketing methods for full reach and maximum effectiveness.

Need a New Year’s Resolutions Partner?

We appreciate that implementing some of these strategic New Year’s Resolutions may not be completely straightforward. After all, it’s not your core business. That’s where we can step in and help you. Give us a bell and we’ll be happy to give you a few pointers.