Most of us have a Facebook account and interact with it daily. Adding friends, updating photo galleries, ‘liking’ content – it’s become second nature. But this expertise doesn’t mean your Facebook Page will be a guaranteed success.

In fact, we often see business owners make a collection of grave errors when it comes to their Pages. To avoid calamity and instead drive more Likes to your business, implement the following 5 tips as part of your strategy.

Set Up a Proper URL

Many business owners overlook this one, and it’s not always directly obvious from the Facebook control panel. However, it’s essential that you use a customised URL that fits your organisation and marketplace. In other words, don’t leave your URL as the default random collection of letters and numbers.

A proper Facebook URL will not only give your hub a professional image, but it will also serve Google’s SEO crawlers. If your URL is relevant to a particular industry, it will show in the search engine results – this leads to increased traffic and potential leads.

Quality Posts ONLY

The mistake many people make with Facebook is what drives them mental when looking at their own friends’ feeds – and that’s incessant and never-ending random updates that are not worth the virtual paper they’re written on. Don’t be one of these business owners.

Instead, focus on writing quality updates that are relevant to your business and what your customers are interested in. That excludes how nice the weather is or what your cat had for breakfast. Remember to include plenty of rich media that’s engaging, such as videos and hi-res images.

Create Exclusive Content

Why should users interact and like your Facebook page if it’s just a carbon copy of your website? Answer: if that’s the case, they shouldn’t. There’s simply no added value.

That’s why you should post exclusive deals and promotions on your Facebook page. Give them that fuzzy special feeling by providing Facebook fans with unique content they won’t find anywhere else.

Constant Interaction

It’s easy to give your Facebook page a bucket load of attention in a short space of time – Mondays are ‘Facebook day’, but you ignore the platform the rest of the week. That’s a grave error, as it will drive down interaction in a real hurry.

When a member of your audience responds to one of your posts, make sure you show your appreciation by giving them a quick response back. You don’t have to jump on it like lightning, but be sure to post within hours rather than days. If people know you’re an active member, they’re more likely to interact in the future as well.

Review Your Facebook Performance

One of the most valuable sections of your Facebook page is what’s called ‘Page Insights’. This area gives you excellent information on the performance and reach of your posts. It’ll show you how many likes you’ve received and how many people are ‘engaged’ with your content.

Tracking performance is what separates an amateurish setup from a professional Facebook campaign. It’s important you constantly improve what you’re providing your fans, ensuring you drop what’s not performing and instead focus on what people want to see.