While the kids keep counting down the days until Christmas morning, some adults lose interest in the whole ordeal. The massive commercialism of the holidays drives endless Christmas music albums and over-used designs. Whether you’ve been naughty or nice this year, Christmas should be a time for everyone to feel cheerful. Jump back into the joyful spirit of Christmas with some new design perspectives and ideas.

Luxury and Elegance

Elements of gold and silver typically dominate the elegant style of Christmas designs. These designs are often simple and easy to create, but sometimes lack in creativity. If you’re aiming for a luxurious feel to your holiday designing, make sure that you add your own personal touch. Use patterns that match your project goals, but still manage to stand out among the other designs.

Many designers utilise another colour to compliment the shimmering gold or silver themes. These metallic colours benefit from shades of blue, red and green. It adds a sense of contrast in your design, and separates you from the others. Try not to mix metallic colours if at all possible. A design with both gold and silver can be overwhelming to the viewer.

Symbolic Christmas Design Themes

From snowflakes to Santa Clause, the many symbols of Christmas help us identify with familiar feelings and occasions. While some avoid a focus on these symbols due to their overuse, they can be great tools in completing the perfect holiday design. The trick is to add a custom touch to the symbol to make it new and unique. Think about the variety of changes you can make to a snowflake pattern or a Christmas tree image.

Even with a personal touch, the use of one symbol throughout a large design can seem boring and unappealing. Mix multiple symbols together to hold the viewer’s interest. Make sure to connect these symbols in a way where they do not seem like they are completely separate elements. Add a pattern to your reindeer image that helps match it with your snowman design.

Fun and Energetic

Since children represent such a large part of the joy of Christmas, many designs attempt to appeal to the viewer’s childish side. Almost everyone can relate to the anticipation of Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve, so energetic designs with fun elements often help adults remember those feelings. Sometimes this simply entails the incorporation of certain symbols like candy canes and gifts into the design, but you can do so much more!

Bright reds and greens energise your design and work well with a light blue or white background. The use of certain fonts can also help you achieve a fun feel in your design. Cartoonish images and strong lines should dominate these designs as you appeal to the more simple things in life.


Although these particular types of Christmas designs do not fit every situation or client, they provide some of the most powerful emotions. There are hundreds of different religious holiday images ready for you to add your personal touch. Subdued colours should be used to avoid distracting the viewer from these images.

Feel free to make slight changes to symbols such as the northern star, angels, the three kings and the Virgin Mary. Almost everyone has seen these images before and can easily recognise their meaning with a quick glance. These common symbols can seem dull if portrayed in an uncreative fashion.

The world of grahic design offers endless change and customisation as designers continue to make an impact around us. While it is a great idea to take some tips from the past, you should always focus on adding your own creative ideas.

Even if you have been naughty this year, your Christmas cheer might get you on the nice list. Add some creativity to your Christmas this year. You won’t regret it!